“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning now to dance in rain”

Things are tough , challenges are huge but man kind now has to learn how to face it, lock down may not be the only way to achieve results, just think what will happen after lock down. Covid will linger even with least infection transmission in the society . My concern is for healthy people, they will be asymptomatic carriers who might spread disease to their loved ones.The challenge is to strike the balance between economics and statistics. Society has to be more responsible to take care of your loved ones, the ones who are susceptible , elderly and immune compromised ones.
Nothing is okay .So it’s okay”. Often when you think you are the end of something serious, but you are at the beginning of something more special. You never know,Post Covid may be a new era of renaissance which got faded with materialistic glitterati, just look around and see things changing with blue skies, chirping of birds and shining biodiversity
Lessons learned from HINi pandemic
The H1N1 pandemic that started in the spring of 2009 is now officially over.The new H1N1 virus has largely run its course."Although the new H1N1 is still here and will continue to cause disease, it has become much like any other flu strain, no longer causing the vast majority of flu cases nor triggering outbreaks during the summer. Most experts expect the virus will continue circulating as an annual strain, along with another influenza A strain called H3N2 and with influenza. So this was herd immunity which saved the planet.
Shared Responsibility
Be a responsible citizen,
Yes everybody has a responsibility towards himself and community at large.
We Individuals have an important role in protecting ourselves and families.
• Stay informed. Health officials will provide additional information as it becomes available.
• Everyone should take these everyday steps to protect your health and lessen the spread of this new virus:
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
• If you are sick with a flu-like illness, stay home for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer. This is to keep from infecting others and spreading the virus further.
• Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
Dance in Rain
The evolution will likely lead you to Look for others in critical time.
“ I shall pass this way once, any kindness or any good , let me do it now”
Better to be busy than to be busy worrying. Make the best use of what’s around when the world is running down. Work on bare necessities ,the simple bare necessities. The bare necessities will come to you always, take my words.
Two hundred years before covid, Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe had a metaphorical advice and he wrote, “ let everyone sweep in front of his own door, whole world will be clean. Embrace time and you never know , this could have positive impact” that which does not kill you , makes us stronger”
The Sun will rise
This too shall pass, The evolution will likely lead you to Look for others in critical time.
“I shall pass this way once, any kindness or any good , let me do it now”
Buddha said “ praise and blame, gain and loss , pleasure and sorrow come and go like wind”
My take every thing becomes okay, let’s learn to breathe better ,feel better, be good and kind ,even if things are not okay, world will not end


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