Smokers also suffer from low self-confidence: Study DECCAN CHRONICLE. | Published Aug 29, 2017, 5:57 am IST

It is a given that smokers are in danger of contracting cancer or cardiovascular complications, but they also seem to be suffering from psychological issues, including low self-confidence. A study, To Choose Life, conducted across major metros, to assess differences in health, mindsets and emotional levels of smokers and non-smokers and also to document the efforts undertaken by smokers to quit smoking and their outcome, reveals that smokers show hypersensitive behaviour which is 200% higher than non-smokers.
“Smoking starts as a choice, but eventually becomes a compulsion. The dependency on the habit is so high that even after several attempts to quit, smokers struggle to succeed. Stress and increasing workload are often considered triggers to smoke. Ironically, while it gives you a temporary relief, the long-term impact on mental and physical is serious. Every smoker must consider this while going out for smoke breaks," said Dr Vasunethra Kasargod, a leading Consultant Pulmonologist at Vikram Hospital.

The study also revealed that smokers are 178% more mentally stressed than non-smokers. It further increases with broken and insufficient sleep, lack of motivation, overeating or undereating and anger outbursts against family or at work.
The finding, however, points to the larger challenge of counselling, which can help smokers quit. 75% of the respondents believed that it was extremely difficult to quit, while 93% had already been asked by their physicians to quit. A majority of them had also tried to quit at least 2-3 times, but failed. 
“This is not just an individual challenge, but also an organisational on and every HR department should take note of this. I also feel that by using scientifically proven interventions, the process to quit can become easier and work productivity can improve significantly," adds Dr Partha Pritam Bose, a leading Chest Physician, National Heart Institute, Founder SAANS – SAKSHAM.


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