Breath better has become a mantra to live a healthy life post covid-19. Navigating and maintaining the post covid health has become vital.

Breath Better live longer… Must for all in post covid In this decade of covid, lung health is key to success. Covid is not a simple infectious disease it’s an inflammatory disease, if you understand your respiratory system and practice daily lung healthy practices, you can stay healthy. Let’s understand our lungs, the organs which are breathing 2 4 x 7 to give you a smooth breath of life. Breath is an effort as we put effort to breathe in and breathing out is the elastic recoil of the lung. Lungs' elastic power empties the lung. Instead of thinking of lungs as airbags, it might be more appropriate to think of them as life jackets. Each lung has about 300 million balloon-like structures called alveoli, which replace the carbon dioxide waste in one’s blood with oxygen. When these structures are filled with air, the lungs become the only organs in the human body that can float on water. This life jacket analogy is even more poignant during a pandemic when lung health has been pushe...