SAANS interesting Case series:One should not simply call progressive dementia without attempting good comprehensive CBT and Rehabilitation therapy

§ This is a 70 year old vascular dementia presented behavioural and personality changes. There was a history of huge psychological trauma when he suddenly lost his young son. He is diabetic with early nephropathy changes. He had a old CVA and presented with altered sensorium and hyponatremia. His glycemic control was good .He responded to sodium correction and improving with our SAANS Rehab and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Unlike literature he is stable and improving. Our dementia protocol includes cognitive testing images, muscle reconditioning, nutritional intervention and occupational therapy. We used Cognitive stimulation through Visual cues, reminders, problem solving, activity planning and functional therapy to improve ADLs. SAANS breathing techniques used to improve his endurance. v Our take: One should not simply refer and call progressive dementia without attempting good comprehensive CBT and Rehabilitation therapy Types of...